Port Melbourne
Crema Group

Crema Group chose low emissions, battery free, Safety Path LED exit signs for its new corporate headquarters in Melbourne.
Crema’s designer headquarters showcase Safety Path’s hybrid exit sign technology, providing a low wattage illuminated exit sign that doesn’t have a failure prone battery to fail. It’s sleek modern design fits with Crema’s image, unlike many of the ugly bulky plastic electric-battery exit signs designed to hold complex components and batteries.
Crema’s reputation is built upon creating buildings they’re proud of, and we’re proud that they selected Safety Path's low-emission exit signs to keep their staff and clients safe.
Safety Path provides sustainable photoluminescent and LED hybrid lighting solutions wherever safety & emergency lights and wayfinding are needed.This includes photoluminescent exit signs, warning signs, line marking and pavement markings. Our photoluminescent light boxes can be used to display custom plans and signs.